****** M41 Facility file 837-5992 property of the UNA --PT1******
****** -75.00187494468733, 0.06633337958017708 ******
//Log start *****
//LogEntry #0048284
Been a while but wanted to say that you forget some times that you live and work 80 meters below the artic surface. But when you remember concrete and floor times aren't everything it gets to you some times.
//LogEntry #0048355
The vending machine selection is something to be desired. Imagination comes in handy here. Fake pork rinds can taste like anything really. Also someplace to have a smoke out in the open air would be great once in awhile.. hhmm well after my term is up u can have these luxuries I guess
//LogEntry #0048546
Saw Ted today that son of a bitch I swear he always wears the same tie as me.. May also be me wearing the same as him but no I think he's the one copying me... Need to get to the bottom of this. One other thing ..what is with him always on the phone? Does he ever get any work done ?
//LogEntry #0048547
Found a spot out in front of sector E7 no one ever really comes around that section so it's kind of a nice place to unwind for a bit and have a coffee.
So to anyone new coming here remember to find that sector to find yourself for a bit.
You will need it!
//LogEntry #0048624
The subject in containment cell C6 a Gelatinous Amorphousness Biological Entity or "GABE" for short. From our understanding grows in mass when it absorbs anything organic. Over the past few months it has grown 10 fold of the original sample size we had. Probably need a larger containment cell soon lol.
//LogEntry #0048634
From what we have observed Gabe is extremely difficult to destroy. Since it grows in mass with every feeding we don't want it to get out of hand. Well lucky for us by reducing it's feeding seems to counter that. But in return it seems to become more aggressive the hungrier it gets.
//LogEntry #0048635
Fun fact since we can't seem to destroy Gabe, well not totally. We are still looking into solutions on that end, but good thing is it slows in movement and growth when exposed to cold temperatures... Being in our current location should help with that I think.
//LogEntry #0048680
We had one of the reactors burn out today... Part of the facility went offline for a bit wasn't anything bad though. But not my job so shouldn't be and issue.
And of course fucking of course I came across Ted as well today. Wearing the same damn tie again!
This guy! I don't get it.
//Log end *****