M41 Facility- Me, Myself & Ted with a Gabe hat

**** M41 Facility file 867-5552 property of the UNA --PT2******
**** -75.00187494468733, 0.06633337958017708 ****
//Log start ***
//LogEntry #0065380
Had a pretty strange dream, I thought I saw Ted wearing a different tie also the the breach alarms were going off like crazy... Almost thought it really happened but I'm awake and no alarms so just a dream.
//LogEntry #0065632
Haven't seen anyone so far today ! Like no one not even that ass hat Ted....
Had some breakfast in B3 the place was completely empty. I mean we are short on staff don't get me wrong but there was no one today. Kind of strange but see stranger I guess could just be some company meeting I missed again.
//LogEntry #0066321
Heard they moved a sample of Gabe the other day to the 2B labs of course Ted is in charge of that sector..
....kind of jealous whatever.
//LogEntry #0067550
//LogEntry #0067553 ** Failed
//LogEntry #0067554 ** Failed
//LogEntry #0067555
Don't really know what is happening, But yeah.. Came across Ted well it wasn't him. Well technically it was but looks like ass hat did something wrong and Gabe escaped. Also Gabe looks to be using Ted to navigate the the maze of tunnels we are in. Kind of interesting totally didnt see that kind of behavior coming from it. I will be sure to save this information....
As a side note I think the rest of the teams are gone or dead my next plan is to get while I can with a little observation on my way out ! ;)
//LogEntry #0067560
Hey a black coat guy? ..
//LogEntry #0067561
NM Black coat guy gone.
//LogEntry #0067563 ** Failed
//LogEntry #0067564
Not looking good. Ted and the Gabe hat seem to be following me not just trying to escape...
//LogEntry #0067565 ** Failed
//Log end ***